Rules of Oakham Home Gardens and Allotment Society
- If a plot has not been worked for four continuous months, or has not, in the Committee’s opinion, been kept up to a reasonable standard, the plot and any rent paid will be forfeited without compensation or redress, unless an acceptable reason is given to the Committee.
- Anyone proved to have taken anything from another’s plot without the permission of the plot holder will forfeit the right to have a plot without any redress.
- Bonfires must be lit responsibly so that they do not cause a nuisance to others and must be supervised whilst alight and doused with water before being left. Only garden waste materials generated on the allotment may be burned on the allotment.
- No use of hosepipes will be allowed.
- The gates must be kept shut when the last member leaves.
- The plot holder must keep the pathway, at the end and sides of the plot they rent, clean and clear for the safe use by others.
- Herbicides and pesticides must only be used in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions. Care should be taken to avoid any contamination or drift onto neighbouring paths and plots which may be organically gardened.
- All goods bought at the shop will be on a cash/cheque basis only.
- All tools etc are left on the plot at the member’s own risk.
- All rents must be paid by 1 January of each year. If rents are over two months late a surcharge will be applied. Members giving up plots on 1 January will be entitled to harvest their crops until 31 March.
- No plot holder must damage the boundary hedging, but must keep it well pruned and in good order. The boundary is not to be used to dump materials or rubbish.
- No vehicles, including caravans and trailers, are to be stored on the allotment site without the permission of the Committee.
- Only the Officers of the Society, or those nominated by them, may turn on and off the site’s mains water valve.
- Members will be allowed a maximum of two plots unless the Committee decides otherwise, e.g. based on the length of the waiting list for plots.
- Members should observe the site speed limit of 5 mph; cars must be left in the designated car park except for loading/unloading. Members must not drive vehicles onto roadways in inclement weather, i.e. at any time they might damage the roadways.
- Sheds and greenhouses should not fall into a poor state of repair; if they do the Committee will require them to be removed at the member’s expense. The site and construction of all new buildings must be approved by the Committee.
- Dogs and children are required to be kept under control at all times.
- Abusive or antisocial behaviour will lead to disciplinary procedure and eventually loss of membership; plot holders are responsible for the behaviour of their families and guests.
- Livestock may only be kept on application to the Committee, (see Rule 6 of the Tenancy agreement).
- When vacating a plot for any reason, members must remove all personal effects. Anything left will be disposed of by the Committee at the member’s expense.
These Rules may be changed or amended by the Committee as required, and changes confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting by simple majority.
Latest comments
not possible to police plots at all times,but be warned,someone has been and picked most of my summer rapsberries.
Love these beautiful animals
I'm sorry about this. Unfortunately it is impossible to do anything after the event. If this happens again, please get in touch with me immediately and I will deal with it for you. Penny
Can you please stop burning stuff my whole house has stunk of smoke for 2 days now its ok for who ever starts the fires then goes home they don't have to put up with the smell